dijous, 1 de maig del 2014

Formal letter

Janet Cruise
C/Massaet 6
28016, Barcelona

Mr. Rajoy
Spanish Governement
Dear Mr. Rajoy,
I am writing in a response to your actions in our country. Specifically about the cuts that you are imposing. And I would like enforcing you to read my proposal.
First of all, I wish to find out how much the cuts cost. The reason is your actions are having consequences that are affecting everybody. You cut on education implies less future for our country. You cut on health implies less development of our country. They will degenerate into society where only rich people will be able to live.
Secondly, I wish to propose a solution. It consists of only cutting on the military department. You are destination an excess quantity of money on it. And in my opinion with less money will be enough. In our times is impossible that we enter on a war, or something else. Maybe you let throw the money on a rubbish.
Certainly, you should look your system because it does not work.
Thank you for your time. I look forward to hearing from you in the near future.
Yours sincerely.

Janet Cruise.

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