divendres, 22 de novembre del 2013

Age limits, are they correct? Alcohol, smoking

Yes, this is a typical question,I'm sure that all children think : Why I can not drink alcohol? I have to hide this from my parents but If you look, all the children drink it.
Every time earlier If you look at very young children (12 years old) they drink. It's amazing. So, I think that maybe age limits are good but the society don't take any notice of them. Maybe the solution is more control because if society continues in this way in some years the babies will drink alcohol and not milk! We need a solution to it.
The correct age to start drinking, ocassionally, maybe it's at 16-17 because SOME, with emphasis on the word, people have control.
another is the smoking in this way I  think that the only solution is to forbid it. But the state don't want do this. Because with tax on cigarettes earn a lot of money. They are not interested in our health.
All and all, we have to remember that alcohol and smoking are drugs. So, if we like it we can drink or smoke in some occasions. But we must be responsible. We need to be mature to see at what moment is enough.  Finally, I want say that children don't see it. They relate alcohol with parties, so with it we can see that they aren't enought to drink or smoke.

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