dissabte, 30 de novembre del 2013

self- evaluation

We talked about humor, we wanted that all the class laugh in some ocasion. We use prezzi, so the structure of our presentation was clar. We explained some things about  tv programs of comedy like apm , or some episodi of a british series. We hope that they enjoyed them. We use connectors but I need to improve my pornunciaton and my body Language.

Final mark: 6,3


Soshi olympic flame

"Dressed in cream-coloured, shoulderless, pleated dresses, 21 high priestesses perform an elaborate dance routine. The actresses were surrounded by the ruins of the Temple of Hera in Olympia - the site of the ancient Olympics.
As they moved in carefully choreographed routines, the torch for the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi was lit.
Tall construction cranes still hang over Sochi's Olympic stadium. There are concerns over whether the venues will be ready for February. Despite recent backing from a leading IOC official, locals are split.
By the time the Olympic flame arrives at Sochi's opening ceremony, it will have taken its first ever trip to space and visited nearly 3,000 different places in Russia. But questions remain as to whether it can truly inspire equality for all."
The Olympic torch relay for the Winter Games in Sochi has begun. The flame was lit in Greece using the sun's rays. It will travel 65,000 kilometres, including a visit to the International Space Station in November.

The torch means that there is still some humanity. It means that all world are connected. Although there are a  lot of wars or soeting bad in our society like racisme or abuse we can leave it aside and do a beautyfull things. It's a symbol of union. This torch travel to around the world. Every country, evry place, forests, rivers, mountains. The humanity don't have límits. If we put our best effort we can do everything we want. So to sent the torch to the space mean it. We can complit all our dreams .
pleated: piece of cloth folded and sewed together
venues:places where events take place
Split:divided by different opinions


Want to slim? Don't feel guilty about that chocolate cake! Scientists find that people who don't worry about snacks are less likely to gain weight

"Next time you treat yourself to a sizeable slab of chocolate cake, make sure you enjoy every crumb.
Psychologists have discovered those of us who see it as something to celebrate are much more likely to stay slim. But if you are racked with guilt afterwards, the chances are you will pile on the pounds.
The findings, published in the latest online edition of the journal Appetite, show the way we perceive tasty treats like chocolate cake is just as important as the calorie count when it comes to expanding waistlines"

Psychologist have discovered that if you enjoy evry chocolate/ snack you will stay slim. But if you always feel guilty after a snack, the chances are you will put on weight.So this is  to stay slim.

With this discovery I'm sure  a lot of woman's lives will change, and their diet. We live in a society that is based on beauty. All the womans in the world are obsessed with it. Evrybody in some time has not eaten to prevent gaining weight. So I want to change it. Everybody is beautiful. Everybody has something special,, different to each other. If you want eat a chocolate cake or chocolate bonbon or whatever you want, you have to eat it.  If it makes you happy, why not eat it? 
In this world we need more hapiness and less sadness.  So eat all the things that make you happy and don't worry about your weight.



Love test” predicts good marriage

“The researchers interviewed more than 100 newly-weds, all of whom said they were very happy with their partner - as one might imagine. However, a test of their unconscious feelings towards each other showed that some of them had negative emotions which they haven’t admitted to - even to themselves.  The test involved showing one of the couple a photograph of their partner for a third of a second. They then had to answer as quickly as possible whether certain words such as great, awesome, horrible and scary were positive or negative words.  If they had unconscious negative feelings towards their partner, they were quick to identify the negative words, and vice versa.  Researchers found that those with unconscious negative feelings had them gradually surface and they admitted to being unhappy in follow-up interviews three or four years later”

Some scientists created a new test to predict the success of a relationship.  Depending on your photo and this image could give or not give a useful future prediction  to a marriage. This is scientifically proven and usually works.

It’s awesome that what you think about an image can suggest your future with your partner. But in my opinion it is not good because you need to know the person. You will know if your relationship will work or not. Because if you want your relationship to work, it will work, if both parts want it. With this test maybe it is good to find a person who connects with you .   


newly-weds:couples who recently got married
surface: appear, reveal themselves

New : war of the words


MADRID — A tart pun appeared on a protester’s sign along a Barcelona street last week: “Franco ha Werto.” The idea was that the former dictator General Francisco Franco, who died (“ha muerto”) in 1975, is being recast as Spain’s current education minister, José Ignacio Wert.
Earlier this month, Wert proposed a draft law to reform Spain’s education system; its overall thrust is to give the central government greater control over education at the regional level. One provision would allow families that are disgruntled with Spanish-language instruction in public schools in regions that have their own official language to send their children to private institutions and claim a stipend to pay for that from the regional government.

The measure sparked
protests nationwide, especially in Catalonia. People there were still smarting from a recent snub: In October Wert said that the government should españolizar, or “Hispanize,” Catalan schoolchildren. The remark had an ominous historical ring because of a long line of authoritarian crackdowns on Catalonia, from Philip V in the 18th century to Franco in the 20th.
Now locals, citizens and politicians alike, are describing Wert’s new education proposal as another act of persecution. One former parliamentarian tweeted: “Wert wants to do what Franco tried but failed to: destroy the Catalan identity.”
Jonathan Blitzer wrote an article talking about Catalunia´s discomfort about their education reform.He said that  "Wert’s proposal is ideology cloaked as technocratic reform" and  "his proposal is nothing more than old dogmatism". So this creates many manifestations, in it we can find some short sentences like " Franco ha Werto" (Wert wants to do what Franco tried but failed to: destroy the Catalan identity). The law that creates the most comments is that the government has to " espanyolitzar"- make Spanish- the students of Catalonia. Also he talks about the dropout rate among young Spaniards is among the highest in Europe. Massive budget cuts to public education have increased concerns about the quality of teaching and  student knowledge about math and science. That creates discomfort. Finally he reminded us that PP is a centrist and pragmatic on the economy. 
I'm totally against the Wert law. A part of this information in the news I want to remember that also this law involves that philosophy will disappear. Yes, it is a shock for everybody. I know that a lot of people don't like to do exams of philosophy, but they like the subject. For me philosophy is necessary because it helps to improve your mentality. You grow up with it. You have to think for yourself. So I hope that with a change of governement  philosophy will return, because today's society is silly and without philosophy our level of stupidty will go up. I really hope that the next elections the PP won't get the majority .

Can good people transform into bad people?

In our society, people think that there are two sides: On one hand we have good people and on the other bad people. A normal people think taht they can never be a bad person. They think that there is a big difference between them. But there isn't.
Milgram, a psychologist, did an experiment to investigate if one "normal" person with pressure and influence could change into a bad person. His experiment consisted on putting in one room a person with a false scientist who's saying "continue please" and in another room a person (an actor) Connected to false electric cables. So when the acor was wrong ( repeating some words taht the person in the other room had said for the actor to reamember). The person clicked a button and this represent sent a pretend electric corrent to the actor. Then the actor shouted and the scientist said: " continue please". The nrmal people continued. 68% of people "killed" the other person only because the pressure from a false scientist.

With this experiment we can see that with a llittel pressure we can transfrom into bad people, like Nazis, they were pressured by Hitler. If you think you can arrive to a conlcuison: it isn't so much difference between us. We are manipulated so easily by the atmosfphere or by one person. So, we can transform into bad people because the límits of bad and good people are very close.

Nip tuck

Blair: do you hear about the lately trend? 
Amy: no, I haven’t a clue. What are you talking about?
Blair: about the surgeon!
Amy: what’s up?
Blair:I can correct my imperfections
Amy: really? are you kidding me?
Blair: Why, what’s wrong?
amy: I think that is not necessary
Blair: why? if I could be perfect...
Amy: perfect? nobody's perfect, Blair!
Blair: but with the surgeon you could be!
Amy: hold on! what do you want to correct about yourself?
blair: my nose, my boobs... all the things that I can.
Amy:absolutely  nonsense.
Blair: Nowadays the image is the most important thing, isn’t it?
Amy: I don’t agree.
Blair: if you have a good image you can get a better job, a better partner…
Amy: But the beauty isn’t as important as personality!
Blair: During all my life my appearance harms me. Now I have the possibility to change it. So, I will do it.
Amy: Ok, it’s your life
Blair: yeah!
Amy: you can do whatever you like...

divendres, 29 de novembre del 2013

Exam composition on youth

"But your beauty won't last forever. When your youth goess, your beauty will go with it"

This is a idea by Henry Wotton. So, now I'm going to explain why I agree with him.

Fristly, I want to say that beauty isn't all in this strange world. 
We don't have to be obsesed with it. The beauty is only some extra points in your benefits. Maybe with this idea Henry wanted to said that you have to focuse in other goals. Because the beauty disapear with the past of the years but the love, friendship, freedom all these littel things keep for the rest of our lives. If you struggle with your beauty is absurd because when the time pass the beauty too.

All in all, if you obssese with your beauty like Dorian you can lose all the things that you love. So you need to stay rather carefull with all your wishes.

divendres, 22 de novembre del 2013

Age limits, are they correct? Alcohol, smoking

Yes, this is a typical question,I'm sure that all children think : Why I can not drink alcohol? I have to hide this from my parents but If you look, all the children drink it.
Every time earlier If you look at very young children (12 years old) they drink. It's amazing. So, I think that maybe age limits are good but the society don't take any notice of them. Maybe the solution is more control because if society continues in this way in some years the babies will drink alcohol and not milk! We need a solution to it.
The correct age to start drinking, ocassionally, maybe it's at 16-17 because SOME, with emphasis on the word, people have control.
another is the smoking in this way I  think that the only solution is to forbid it. But the state don't want do this. Because with tax on cigarettes earn a lot of money. They are not interested in our health.
All and all, we have to remember that alcohol and smoking are drugs. So, if we like it we can drink or smoke in some occasions. But we must be responsible. We need to be mature to see at what moment is enough.  Finally, I want say that children don't see it. They relate alcohol with parties, so with it we can see that they aren't enought to drink or smoke.

I can't live without my mobile phone!

Actually, the mobile phone is a basic necessity. It means that the mobile phones,it's like the oxigen. You can't live without it.
If you need to talk to somebody you sent a whats or if you arrive later you sent sorry I'm late, I'm coming. Now, is our social life. In one hand you talk with all the people that you want , you spent  all the time whats, maybe, it'smore easy to talk without seeing our faces. So you can say whatever you think it's like a piece of cake talk to somebody. We are addicts, it's like a drug. You don't need to pay yo talk, you don't need to visit your parents or to talk to your parents, only you need to send a whats and say "Hi mum I'm at Lídia's house". but on the other hand you spend a lot of time, we making spelling mistakes. Because we are used to writing with a short form. In some cases you don't say the sameif you are face to faces. If you don't have whatsupp maybe we would learn a lot of things like a sport or we would read much more. The mobile phone is bad for our sight. So in the future most people will wear glasses.

In conclusion I want to say that all things have the good side and bads side. But If the mobile phone disappears most probably is that I will die. Maybe this sounds radicul but it's true. The society can't live without them, we are a new generation. The Mobile Phone Generation. 

dilluns, 18 de novembre del 2013


The secret to a healthy heart: Simple tomato sauce made with onion, olive oil and corn flour could prevent strokes and cardiac arrest

"The Mediterranean secret to longevity and a healthy heart is down to a simple tomato sauce, researchers believe.
Sofrito - made out of tomato as the main ingredient along with onion, olive oil, corn flour and occasionally garlic - is eaten widely around the Med but scientists could help prevent a heart attack or stroke.
Spanish researchers have found that tomato-based sauce contains as many as 40 antioxidants, called polyphenols, which are believed to protect the heart from 'oxidative stress.'
Polyphenols are natural antioxidant molecules derived from vegetables.
But to get the health benefits the ingredients have to be combined in the sauce, rather than eaten separately."

This news article explain about that Spanish resarch has found tomate based sauce, called Sofrito. It could prevent strokes and cardiac arrest. Sofrito contains as many as 40 antioxidants and they protect our heart. We made it with tomato, onion olive oil, corn flour and occasionally garlic. We can find differents kinds of sofritos depending on the quality of their ingredients, like olive oil, tomates..

 Nowdays we live in a society working and we spent a short time cooking. We eat much fast food. So, we need to find some time to cook because if we do it our health will improve a little be. The Meditteranean diet is one of the best of the world, it is famous, it is the most balanced diet. And we don't use it! We have to make the most out of it.
I chose this news because it facinated me. A British newspaper talks about our amaizing food and all their benefits. For that reason we have to try more to cook and enjoy it. So, I hope that our society inprove in this because is one of a littel things that we're doing well so it's easy to improve. Only we need to find 20 minutes more. If you want a better health find 20 minutes to cook.

dimecres, 30 d’octubre del 2013


Spanish MPs are to consider changing time zones by an hour after a report said this would improve eating, sleeping and working habits.The document by a parliamentary commission said that "Spain for more than 71 years has not been in the correct time zone".In 1942, the Spanish dictator General Franco moved Spain onto Central European Time to follow Nazi Germany.The report says Spain should be in the same time zone as the UK and Portugal.Spain - on the western edge of Europe - is currently one hour ahead of GMT during the winter and two hours ahead in the summer.

The Spanish want to change the time to an hour before to improve eating,sleeping and working habits. We are still using this time since Franco (dictator) changed it to follow the time of the Nazis. Our timetable is determined more by the sun than the clock. We do everything according to the sun but spain doesn't. We sleep an hour less than the ONU recomends. So this has an negetive effect on productivity, absenteeism, stress,accidents and school drop-out rates.

It's shocked me because I didn't know that we changed our cloks to follow the timetable of the Nazis. So probably it's time to rectify this absurd fact. Maybe we improve if we start school at nine o'clock and to finish at half past three, like the United Kingdom. maybe it's the solution of our problems of students dropping out, possibly the solution is like a piece of cake. That we can't see it when we have it in front of our face. It's sounds good to prove it.
-despite: eventhough-differ: take issue with

dissabte, 26 d’octubre del 2013

Humor is necessary?

Humour is the ability to find things funny, the way in which peaople see that some things are funny, or the quality of being funny. Why does the humor moves the world? Why the humour is like a medicine? Humour lightens your burdens, inspires hopes, connects you to others, and keeps you grounded, focused, and alert… 

To begin, laugther takes physical health benefits like: relaxes the whole body, boosts the immune system, triggers the release of endrohins and finally, protects the heart. As you can see, laughter is a powerful anticode to stress, pain, and confict. Besides people who have sense of humour has a high pysical health benefits so these people live better and more than people who doesn’t have it.

Secondly, laughter and humour help you stay emotionally healthy. It means that there dissolves distressing emotions, if you’re laughing you can’t think with all things that make you anxious, angry, or sad. So when you laugh your “chip” changes. Also laughter helps you relax. In fact, when you are studying you can do a break for laugh because it enabling you to stay focus. A little solution for earn better grades. Moreover, humour change perspective, help you to see situations in a more realistic vision.

Thirdly, humour and laughter take social benefits because laughing with others is more powerful than laughing alone. If you use humour and laugher in your life, these allows you to be more spontaneous, let go of defensiveness, release inhibitions and espress your true feelings. Consequently, having sense of humour isn’t harmful.

All in all, we think that humour is necessary of our lives. Everyone needs it to enjoy all the moments and have a good time with those who are next to you. Also, if you really want to laugh but you don’t know how, you can create opportunities to laugh like go to a comedy club, read funny pages and go to a “laughter yoga” class. These could be usefull for everyone. It is important to laught because it improves mood, attracts others to us, eases anxiety and fear and lowers stress hormones. And the last but not least, if you laught you feel better and aslo you seem prettier. Having humour brings to you lots of benefits so now it’s up to you.

diumenge, 6 d’octubre del 2013


I’m a little grain of sand in a big universe. A normal girl from a little town. With her typical favorites things like ballet, chocolate, cakes, looking in old pictures, interested in stupid T,V series, listening to music, and meeting with friends… Everybody has a big dream and sometimes people focus on it. The most typical: to be a famous football Player or a famous singer for example.

But maybe life is not only intended to meet your goals. I think that is a little bit different. People are obsessed with their goals all the time and it’s probable that if you are obsessed with these goals, you don’t enjoy of the way that the life really is. I don’t know if I’m expressing myself well, but it means that when you put your best effort for something that you really want and finally you get it you can see that the happiness of the life, and that all the battle that you had to fight  to meet your goals was worth it. The happiness is it. It’s not the fame of the moment that you had before your dream for example. The happiness is when you can see that you can have whatever you want and you struggled for it. You achieved your dream. Your daydream. But, if you do not win- you have tried.

All and all, with it I want say that to be so obsessed to meet your happiness (your dream) the result is to lose your happiness. You have to relax and enjoy the moment. So my only dream is to be happy, that’s all. A “simple” sentence..

You may say that I’m a dreamer but I’m not the only one. ( John Lennon )