dilluns, 18 de novembre del 2013


The secret to a healthy heart: Simple tomato sauce made with onion, olive oil and corn flour could prevent strokes and cardiac arrest

"The Mediterranean secret to longevity and a healthy heart is down to a simple tomato sauce, researchers believe.
Sofrito - made out of tomato as the main ingredient along with onion, olive oil, corn flour and occasionally garlic - is eaten widely around the Med but scientists could help prevent a heart attack or stroke.
Spanish researchers have found that tomato-based sauce contains as many as 40 antioxidants, called polyphenols, which are believed to protect the heart from 'oxidative stress.'
Polyphenols are natural antioxidant molecules derived from vegetables.
But to get the health benefits the ingredients have to be combined in the sauce, rather than eaten separately."

This news article explain about that Spanish resarch has found tomate based sauce, called Sofrito. It could prevent strokes and cardiac arrest. Sofrito contains as many as 40 antioxidants and they protect our heart. We made it with tomato, onion olive oil, corn flour and occasionally garlic. We can find differents kinds of sofritos depending on the quality of their ingredients, like olive oil, tomates..

 Nowdays we live in a society working and we spent a short time cooking. We eat much fast food. So, we need to find some time to cook because if we do it our health will improve a little be. The Meditteranean diet is one of the best of the world, it is famous, it is the most balanced diet. And we don't use it! We have to make the most out of it.
I chose this news because it facinated me. A British newspaper talks about our amaizing food and all their benefits. For that reason we have to try more to cook and enjoy it. So, I hope that our society inprove in this because is one of a littel things that we're doing well so it's easy to improve. Only we need to find 20 minutes more. If you want a better health find 20 minutes to cook.

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