Milgram, a psychologist, did an experiment to investigate if one "normal" person with pressure and influence could change into a bad person. His experiment consisted on putting in one room a person with a false scientist who's saying "continue please" and in another room a person (an actor) Connected to false electric cables. So when the acor was wrong ( repeating some words taht the person in the other room had said for the actor to reamember). The person clicked a button and this represent sent a pretend electric corrent to the actor. Then the actor shouted and the scientist said: " continue please". The nrmal people continued. 68% of people "killed" the other person only because the pressure from a false scientist.
With this experiment we can see that with a llittel pressure we can transfrom into bad people, like Nazis, they were pressured by Hitler. If you think you can arrive to a conlcuison: it isn't so much difference between us. We are manipulated so easily by the atmosfphere or by one person. So, we can transform into bad people because the límits of bad and good people are very close.
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