It also expressed concern about minors attending bullfights asspectators, given the often very bloody violence involved, and would like the current minimum age of six to be raised.
Unlike in neighbouring Spain, in Portugal the bull is not killed in thering, but is invariably badly mauled before being led away to beslaughtered out of sight.
Portugal's government and political parties have not so farresponded to the Committee's recommendations."
The UN Committee on the Rights of the Child has called on Portugal to impose restrictions on children taking part in or watching bullfights. It is concerned about their impact on minors' mental and physical health.
On Portugal the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child has called to impose restrictions on the children taking part in bullfights. There are bullfighting schools where children can learn techniques from an age. For that reason the Committee wants a minimum age of 12. Because it is concerned about their impact on child mental and physical health.
Us we know the bullfights are still popular in Spain and Portugal. I'm totally against of it. Because they enjoy with the pain of the bulls. Everybody who's running stress them. And I can't understand how people can enjoy doing it. And I find it absurd that there are some bullfighting schools where children can learn techniques. The committee must close these schools because their are promoting the pain of the animals and they are transmitting all this absurd culture to the smallest.
albeit: although
mauled: injured (used for animals)
slaughtered: killed for its meat noticia dels toros de portugal
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