I know
that Carpe Diem is not always possible. For example now! A student's life
especially second batxillerat. There isn't time to enjoy life. But I'm optimistic
and this summer Carpe Diem will be possible. This is a plus but I'm not here to
write about my summer, I’m here to talk about Carpe Diem in general.
I want
to ask a question. If you have in front of you a big chocolate cake will you
eat it? Tomorrow will you go to some country that you wished to visit? I’m
sure that the answer to these questions is no. Why? Because this is not what we are supposed to do. In our minds these are not correct. We have to change our
minds, the things aren’t good or bad, correct or incorrect. You have to
have your own moderation. You aren’t forced to have the typical life: study,
university, marriage, children…So if you are feeling that you aren’t enjoying your
life, if you wake on Monday without interest it means that there is something
that doesn’t work so the solution is change it. Think about that: What do I really
want to do? Am I using Carpe diem?.Am I living the life that I really want? But
I know that you have to have the balls to change it. Don’t be a marionette, don’t
let the system control you. Do whatever you want. Live your life because you only have one and the time passes rather quickly. Do all that you can do to
wake up on Monday with the feeling to eat the world.
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