dilluns, 24 de febrer del 2014

Can internet change the world for the better?

Nowadays our society depends on internet. All the ages and in the great majority of the countries use this global network connecting millions of computers. That’s why we are going to discuss the benefits and the challenges of the internet. 

First of all, internet brings to us lots of benefits like getting the information that we want and when we want. Moreover, it helps people to communicate to each other quicker. 

In contrast, it has some flaws. For example, it creates dependency; it’s like a drug, if you don’t pay attention, you get addicted. Besides with all the things that you can find in it you create your world, you became unsociable. And the worst thing of all is that it cuts down our imagination. You don’t need to think for yourself because you find all the things done.

 All in all, can internet change the world for the better? This is our question to conclude this discussion essay. In our opinion some things get better and some things get worse. We think that internet is improving our world in a good way but we can’t depend on it because if we do, we will lose our relationships and also the imagination.

Social class

In the 18th century  the destination of social class was marked like nowadays. I mean that if you compared the society of 18th century and the “modern times” it is not so different. The prejudice between different classes continues. The nobles were the actual politicians, people with a good position, Duquesa de Alba… So the nobles felt better than the others (the poor people, the actual workers with a low salary). With these feelings it is obvious that  prejudice was created towards others. But in the novel Mr. Darcy, finally, he breaks the  social walls between Elizabeth and him because he fell in love. The differences between the social classes and all the prejudice will continue because they have  exsisted for too long together.



An illustration shows the proposed Mars One settlement. A manned mission to Mars is planned in nearly a decade.
In 2023 there will be humans on Mars. Four (2 men and two woman) of 40 astronauts will go  to the red planet. None of them will return to the Earth . Astronauts will expose themselves to radiation levels that could increase their risk of developing cancer. 100.000 people are eager to go to another planet.

In my opinion this is amazing, it means that humans will start to live on another planet. So if in the Earth´s future something terrible happens some fortunate people will be able to travel to another planet. Our future planet. But I can't imagine which type of people can leave all they have in life andonly live with four people the rest of your life! It's so strange but exciting at the same time.  If I will have the opportunity to go I'm sure that I will not able to do that. I'm sure that I would be bored with only 3 other people, they will be too stressing for me.  I recommend you to clik at the link and watch the video!
Do you think you could go and live on Mars?


application: http://www.wordreference.com/es/translation.asp?tranword=application
entrepreneur: http://www.wordreference.com/es/translation.asp?tranword=entrepreneur


How old are you on the inside? A new device reveals how quickly you're ageing...

Forget how many years you’ve clocked up — experts say what really matters when it comes to how good you look and feel is your ‘biological age’. 
This is the physiological age of the internal systems that keep your body functioning healthily and looking good — from your kidneys, brain and nervous tissue through to your skin.
One of the best markers of this is the level of Advanced Glycation End-products (AGEs) in your body. 
AGEs are harmful compounds that are formed by glycation: a chemical reaction that happens naturally as we age, but can be accelerated by poor lifestyle choices.These AGEs trigger an inflammatory response, causing tissue damage and premature ageing, as well as contributing to the development of age-related diseases such as diabetes, vision impairment, heart disease and kidney damage. 
As we revealed in our definitive sugar series with Brooke Alpert earlier this year, your dietary intake of sugar affects the speed at which glycation happens — and therefore the rate at which AGEs are produced. The more sugar you consume, the more AGEs are generated. But it’s not only sugar that takes its toll. 
Dr Nessar Ahmed, reader in clinical biochemistry at the School Of Healthcare Science at Manchester Metropolitan University, explains: ‘Foods cooked at high temperatures with direct heat, such as grilling and frying, where caramelisation occurs, increase the production of AGEs.’

  • Summary: 

  • Biological age is the physiological age of the internal systems.Experts say biological age is the best indicator of how youthful you are.One of best markers is level of AGEs (Advanced Glycation End-prducts. Harmful compounds AGES cause tissue damage and premature ageing. Your internal age can be increased by bad lifestyle, for example too much sugar or fast food. 

  • Opinion:

  • This article is intersting because all the time  women around world try to look well, to look  younger than they really are. So in this article it shows that this is not the most important thing. What is more important in your biological/ internal age. It's a good example that we don't have to care so much about how we look on in outside. I'm sure that if I do this test I probably will be oldder than I really I am.  I do a lot of exercice but I can't avoid the chocolate.... 

  • Vocabulary:



    "A not Carpe diem time"

    Yes, a strange tittle but it's that, we are living in a pessimist time. A lot of problems? Maybe these are influencing iour lives; the model of how to see the life, Crisis, no work, cuts, hunger...
    I know that Carpe Diem is not always possible. For example now! A student's life especially second batxillerat. There isn't time to enjoy life. But I'm optimistic and this summer Carpe Diem will be possible. This is a plus but I'm not here to write about my summer, I’m here to talk about Carpe Diem in general.

    I want to ask a question. If you have in front of you a big chocolate cake will you eat it? Tomorrow will you go to some country that you wished to visit? I’m sure that the answer to these questions is no. Why? Because this is not what we are supposed to do. In our minds these are not correct. We have to change our minds, the things aren’t  good or bad, correct or incorrect. You have to have your own moderation. You aren’t forced to have the typical life: study, university, marriage, children…So if you are feeling that you aren’t enjoying your life, if you wake on Monday without interest it means that there is something that doesn’t work so the solution is change it. Think about that: What do I really want to do? Am I using Carpe diem?.Am I living the life that I really want? But I know that you have to have the balls to change it. Don’t be a marionette, don’t let the system control you. Do whatever you want. Live your life because you only have one and the time passes rather quickly. Do all that you can do to wake up on Monday with the feeling to eat the world.

    divendres, 14 de febrer del 2014


    UN: No bullfighting for kids

    "In Portugal, there are bullfighting schools where children can learn techniques from any age – albeit not necessarily involving a live animal. The UN Committee wants a minimum age of 12. 

    It also expressed concern about minors attending bullfights asspectators, given the often very bloody violence involved, and would like the current minimum age of six to be raised. 

    Unlike in neighbouring Spain, in Portugal the bull is not killed in thering, but is invariably badly mauled before being led away to beslaughtered out of sight. 

    Portugal's government and political parties have not so farresponded to the Committee's recommendations."

    The UN Committee on the Rights of the Child has called on Portugal to impose restrictions on children taking part in or watching bullfights. It is concerned about their impact on minors' mental and physical health.


    On Portugal the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child has called to impose restrictions on the children taking  part in bullfights. There are bullfighting schools where children can learn techniques from an age. For that reason the Committee wants a minimum age of 12. Because it is concerned about their impact on child mental and physical health.


    Us we know the bullfights are still popular in Spain and Portugal.  I'm totally  against  of it. Because they enjoy with the pain of the bulls. Everybody who's running stress them. And I can't understand how people can enjoy doing it. And I find it absurd that there are some bullfighting schools where children can learn techniques. The committee must close these schools because their are promoting the pain of the animals and they are transmitting all  this absurd culture to the smallest.


    albeit: although
    mauled: injured (used for animals)
    slaughtered: killed for its meat

    http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/language/wordsinthenews/2014/02/140207_witn_bullfight.shtml noticia dels toros de portugal


    "Globally, one in three adults is now considered overweight or obese. In 1980 it was one in five. 

    T"he Future Diets report analysed existing data and found thesteepest rise has been in developing nations like Mexico and Egypt, where people are spending their increasing disposable incomes on fatty, sugary foods. Numbers almost quadrupled from 250 million to 904 million. 

    The report also said that western countries which have been dealing with the obesity problem for longer have so far failed to tackle it effectively.

    It highlighted a more successful mass campaign in South Korea to train women how to prepare traditional low-fat meals. 

    The report suggests following the example of some American states in taxing things like fizzy drinks and sugary sweets. It also warns if current global trends continue, there will be a huge increase in heart attacks, strokes and diabetes."


    Around the world governments calls to create laws which prevent people eating too fast food that is unhealthy. A researchers at Britain's Oveveas Development Institute say that the number of overweight and obese adults went up almost four times between 1980 and 2008. So if this continue there will be a huge increase in heart attacks, strokes and diabetes.


    We need to go to gym now! The number of overweight and obese adults grow up so we need solutions. I propose two solutions: 1- Go to the gym, 2- Eat better. it's so easy if you don't want to die do that. You are playing with your health and one day it will fail you. You need to care about your body because without him you will die. So protect it. We need to change our minds because I think that the people aren't psyched. Our society maybe thinks that we can change our health in one day but it isn't like we think. We need more campaign and rather more information about the dangers to have a bad habits. If we don't do anything the number will continue growing up.



    divendres, 7 de febrer del 2014

    Should the school curriculum include "basics" first aid, cooking, organising house bills, and general maintenance?

    Everyone knows that the worst time of our life (I'm talking about working) is batxilerat, so I ant to propose some ideas. These are really important in our life but in school you don't learn anything about these basics. So teachers teach you things you will not need to know in life.
    If someone stabs themselves by accident with  some scissors what are we supposed to do? We have to remove it or not? We need to prees on it or not? We need to know what are supposed to do.
    Another topic is learn to cook! I'm sure that the half of batxillerat don't know how cook. Because probably their mothers or fathers ever do all that her baby want.
    I'm sure next year at university somebody will be hungry or they will spend a lot of money on fast food.
    We need to learn it. But in school nobody teaches it. Their basics things have to be subjects. So maybe we will go so much relaxed and we learn some things to survive.