Human rights are the rights you have simply
because you're human (click in). I'm going to write to answer this
question: Which human right were you not familiar with?
I choose the right to education and I should to
be familiar with it. But it's not the case. We're living in a
modern society but I'm not sure about it.
Why? Because I don't see anywhere
that all the humans rights are carried out . I'm talking
about education, the human rights say: "Everyone has the right to
education. Education shall be free, at least in the elementary and fundamental
stages. Elementary education shall be compulsory. Technical and professional
education shall be made generally available and higher education shall be
equally accessible to all on the basis of merit." So, with this definition
everybody has the possibility to study. But the hard truth is that not
everybody can do this. If you want to go to university you can’t
always afford to do it. I know that scholarships exist but it's not available
to everybody, only the brilliant students can get this. This has to change,
education is a human right so the government has the obligation to put more
money in to this, for our futures. I mean the future is us. if we don't
have the possibility to go we can't form our lives. I know that some brilliant
minds like Steve Jobs didn't go to university but not everybody is like him. So
on facebook are a group called selectivitat 2014 and a lot of comments said
that they can't go to the university because they didn't have the sufficient
mark to opt for a scholarship and didn´t have enough money to pay the
university fees. So it's necessary to extend this right. The people who want to
study need the possibility to be able to do it.. Also, if everyone has the
right to education why are there a lot of people illiterate? Education is the
key, the key of progress and we are not going to progress in this way.
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